MDRT 2016 Annual Meeting – Vancouver

The 90th MDRT Annual Meeting was held last month in Vancouver, hosting the largest-ever number of delegates in its long history.

11,652 adviser delegates and invited guests from 59 countries experienced four pulsating days of diverse presentations, networking opportunities and social gatherings at an event that is referred to by many of its members as the Olympics of the global financial services industry.

The sheer scale of MDRT Annual Meetings dwarfs most other adviser events around the globe, and it offers countless opportunities for adviser delegates to learn from their peers about how to enhance the value of their business and achieve success within the broader context of all other aspects of their lives.

The Australian contingent of over 100 advisers, ably led by MDRT Australia Chair, Adelaide adviser, Adam McCann, embraced the many messages of value delivered from the MDRT main platform, and also from the many focus sessions and the more intimate ConneXion Zone presentations.

Australian delegates at this year’s meeting developed a strong bond and were regularly updated, as a group, by way of various social media formats, which served to inform them about when their Australian peers were speaking, as well as to maintain contact for networking and other social events, including the much sought-after annual MDRT ANZAC night.

The 2017 MDRT Annual Meeting will welcome delegates to Orlando, Florida, from 4 – 7 June.

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